The growing amount of information created by companies and public institutions as well as an emphasis on the usage of historical data are two main drivers of the interest in records management systems development.
Custom Records Management System vs SaaS?
Organizations that decide to build a records management system often wonder if there is any sense to invest in a custom records management system development. The truth is any software as a service (SaaS) systems often require additional customization and are less flexible and less secure.
Read about the records management system standards
- If a record system out of a box doesn’t meet your requirements and customization will be required
- If there is a need for additional security tuning
- If there is a possibility that a record system will be changed and will be numerous integrations.
- If the number of users will be growing constantly and it is impossible to predict the end number
- If cloud storage is not an option and on-premises storage is required
Functions of an automated record management system:
Make records management easy and intuitive. Users must be able to access, create, maintain, edit, and delete records without additional efforts. Different users should have different access rights to records, and it should not be possible for two different people to edit one and the same record at the same time. Object Character Recognition ( a subtype of AI) can serve as the most efficient way of digitizing paper documents.
Implement best practices, procedures, and policies related to document management. They serve as the guarantee of secure data storage and prevent data loss or security breaches. Using a record management system it is easy to introduce and actually use best practices, procedures, and policies related to records management.
Assign responsibilities. As it was already mentioned, a record management system should provide users with a different level of access to the data.
Each business sector requires an efficient automated record management system to work with sensitive data. Health records, financial records, employee records: all this information requires attention.
After all, the strength of any business organization depends on efficient acquisition and management of resources by those who have the responsibility and authority to control the use of these resources and accounting for them. This in turn depends on the quality and timely provision of information. The importance of financial records and proper records management practices in organizations as evidenced from general records management literature cannot be overemphasized.
Examples of record management systems:
- Police record management system
- Clinical research record management system
- Electronic health record management system
- Insurance record management system
- Employee record management system
- Human recources management system
We create custom record management system software for every single client taking into account specific requirements and creating unique UI/UX design. Building a custom records management system is investing in constant growth of the organization.