Extended Reality (XR)

Extended Reality (XR) is a relatively new term. Expanded Reality combines concepts such as Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR). The Expanded Reality in the future will be the main technology for using different levels of reality.

Extended Reality (XR)Softengi


The most substantial advantages of using XR

Reduced costs

VR has found mass adoption across many industries, as it can significantly reduce labor costs by improved safety and reduced rework.

Competitive advantage

AR technology is unique and noticeable. Being an ultimate engagement tool, AR allows to establish lasting connections with clients and increase their retention.

Personalized content

With MR's ability to locate digital objects in the real environment, the overview of a product becomes more personalized and engaging, as users can place products in their surrounding.

Some additional perks of using Extended Reality (XR):

1. Enhanced information
The main aim of any company is to increase its customer base. When applying XR, companies can educate potential clients about their products or services in an engaging way. With AR apps providing users with valuable additional information on a product in real time, companies can also facilitate decision making processes of their clients.

2. Easy visualization
With the ability of AR to enhance the view of the real world with imposed digital information, AR allows visualizing objects in a personalized context. AR-powered apps give users an opportunity to modify most of the product characteristics, including size and/or colour and view them full scale and from any angle.

3. Improved brand awareness Today, business success largely depends on brand awareness. Companies, deploying AR-powered applications stand out from competitors by making user interaction with their products memorable, which in the long run helps attract new clients and retain the existing ones.

4. Risk-free experience VR provides an immersive and interactive experience for its users, allowing them to be remotely present in hazardous environments or when dealing with dangerous equipment.

5. Prototyping, design and training VR technologies can help companies better simulate their products in terms of volume, size, and distances. Engineers can directly interact with the virtual prototype and get a better view of all its systems, which enables them to detect conception errors at an earlier stage. Additionally, VR can both build out and improve employee training programs by making them more efficient and automated.

6. Lower Accident Risk By implementing MR technology, a company can detect systematic errors, thus reducing the probability of their occurrence. Regular and more efficient monitoring with the use of MR applications of the equipment helps to enhance safety in the workplace.

7. Effective Remote Assistance MR is effectively used in remote consulting. Companies do not have to assign their experts to different locations in order to troubleshoot service problems or other issues. The possibility to work remotely provided by MR applications allows employers to keep in the workforce highly experienced or ageing employees.


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