The World AI Cannes Festival
13.02.2025 - 15.02.2025
Cannes, France
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LEAP 2025 Tech Conference
09.02.2025 - 12.02.2025
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
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Cloud Orchestration

Cloud computing is a growing phenomenon, which significantly impacts individuals as well as enterprises. More and more companies and organisations incorporate in their applications the cloud technology. If a company uses multiple cloud applications, it is pivotal to run them concordantly with each other. And to make it all work right, companies turn to cloud orchestration services.

Cloud Orchestration is a process of managing multiple cloud workloads in an automated way, synchronizing them into a single workflow.

According to Cisco, in 2021, cloud data centers will process 94% of workloads. 

Cloud OrchestrationSoftengi


The most substantial advantages of Cloud Orchestration


Automation with Cloud helps to integrate many individual tasks and processes into a larger optimized workflow, leading in the long run to an enhanced overall productivity.

Cost Reduction

Cloud orchestration provides a smooth coordination of different processes, reducing the amount of IT resources required and leading to significant cost savings for companies. As physical resources are aligned with virtual ones, and cloud orchestration services allow to quickly scale processes and operations when needed.

Reduced errors

Cloud Orchestration is able to automate various operations and processes and eliminate a significant amount of human errors, which, as a result, leads to better companies’ performance.

Some additional perks of Cloud Orchestration:

1.Container Technology 

Containers refer to a technology solution that allows migrating software from one computing environment to another without any damage. A container-based application downloads pieces of software in complete file systems that have everything to make it run reliably: system tools, code, system libraries, etc., ensuring a smooth transition to the digital environment. It always runs the same regardless of the given environment. Applying a container-driven solution allows companies to leverage automation and eliminate dependencies on outdated infrastructure services.

2.Efficient Visibility and Control 

Softengi offers a unified dashboard that provides a bird eye’s view of cloud resources and performed operations. It provides better visibility of application processes and operations and, as a result, enables smooth monitoring and control of cloud applications.

3.Process Optimization

Cloud orchestration optimizes most of the companies’ processes and operations run in the cloud environment. Maintenance of multiple servers, databases, networks, storage is performed automatically by the cloud orchestration technology, optimizing, therefore, overall application workflow.

4.Reduced redundancy

Cloud orchestration services reduce the number of cyclical tasks and processes, requiring fewer IT experts as most of the cyclical operations are automated with cloud technology. As a result, companies are able to efficiently manage their employees and tackle tasks which have a higher priority.

According to Cisco, by 2021, 75% of all cloud workloads and compute instances will be SaaS.


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