Soil Sampling Solution

It’s generally agreed today that soil quality and environmental conditions dramatically affect the crop (not only its quantity but also the quality of agricultural products).

Softengi designed a Solution based on a system of an IoT-sensors (soil moisture sensor and humidity sensor), a microcontroller and a cloud monitoring system to monitor soil pH value and moisture as well as changes in environmental conditions to predict the significant changes. For example, to increase irrigation when soil moisture is insufficient.

The data is stored in a cloud and can be accessed remotely. The user has access to the data and knows if there are any deviations in pH value or soil moisture. Implementing this Solution allows users like farmers and agronomists to monitor and improve the productivity of the crop. 

The coding is done by using the Arduino IDE, and for collecting the sensor data in a cloud. Softengi creates projects using Azure/AWS IoT, which has a full range of security capabilities that allows you to create proactive security policies and respond quickly to potential threats. It ensures IoT security from hacking.

Soil Sampling Solution  Softengi


Several indisputable benefits of Soil sampling solution

Monitor crop

Implementing this Solution allows users like farmers and agronomists to monitor and improve the productivity of the crop.

Improve the productivity

Thanks to sensor data, farmers and agronomists will be able to make decisions that increase the yield.

Increase the quality

Using sensors that signal, for example, lacking soil moisture, the user can increase this parameter, which will have a beneficial effect on product quality.

Increased yields: if the user applies the correct level of the different elements based on the soil sampling results he or she will obtain the highest yield possible per acre.

Gain economic profit: increase the economic return per acre. There will be certain fields that have lower levels of the major elements than others and thanks to IoT-sensors data you can boost their productivity.

Environmental benefits: when users don’t soil sample they could be using elements to the soil they don’t need to. It is both a waste of money and damaging to the environment.

Efficient use of chemicals: soil sampling allows farmers to avoid applying additional moisture and chemicals to areas of the farm that are naturally don’t require it.

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