Harvest Logistics Management

Over 20% of the world’s food production is destroyed due to transport or storage errors. These losses occur at various points in the supply chain, whether due to delays in transport (in particular for perishable products) or improper storage, which can lead to pest infestation.

An analysis by PwC has shown that machine to machine solutions can reduce food waste by about 10 to 15% annually. This amount of food could feed the population of a small country for a year.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the U.N. predicts that about 1.3 billion tons of food are global to be wasted or lost per year (Gustavasson, et al. 2011). 

The decrease in these losses would increase the amount of food available for human consumption and improve global food security, a growing concern with rising food prices due to rising demand, progressing demand for biofuel and other industrial uses, and heightened weather variability (Mundial, 2008; Trostle, 2010).

Thus, we created a Solution aimed at monitoring the logistics operations of the supply chain, both during the movement of cargo and its storage.

We use modern sensors as well as an intelligent cloud system to display data.

We develop projects using Azure/AWS IoT, which has a full range of security capabilities that allows you to create proactive security policies and respond quickly to potential threats. It ensures IoT security from hacking.

Harvest Logistics Management Softengi


Several indisputable benefits of Harvest logistics management.

Validate the location of goods

IoT-sensors can be connected to specific storage containers or raw materials. The IoT device will transmit its location, which can be picked up by GPS satellites and used to trace the movement of products.

Track speed of movement

Tracking speed of movement and the traffic flow of products makes it much simpler to predict how goods will move through the supply chain.

Streamline the movement of cargo

Goods tracking through IoT-sensors can identify where and when goods are delayed in transit. This allows for contingency planning and alternative routes to speed up the supply chain.

Real-time shipment tracking: monitor freight traffic in real-time thanks to modern intelligent tracking systems and integrated IoT-sensors and devices. 

Keep track of cargo location when moving or storing: reassurance that goods are located where stakeholders say they are, both at storing and in transportation.

Early identification of issues with cargo getting lost: thanks to tracking the movement of goods, the carrier is warned about the loss and can adjust the delivery plan.

Know when goods will arrive: suppliers, manufacturers and distribution centers can plan to prop goods, which decreases handling times and ensures the efficient processing of stuff.

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    Head of Partnerships


    Svitlana Onyshchenko


    e-mail:  [email protected]


    Senior Tech Consultant


    Maurizio Demarch


    e-mail: [email protected]